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91 documents

ICRIR Baseline Polling Survey 2

The poll's data collection was conducted online, from the 7th to the 12th of March 2024. This utilized the LucidTalk Northern Ireland (NI) online opinion panel, which consists of 16,467 members. This panel is balanced to reflect the demographics of Northern Ireland at a total level.

ICRIR Baseline Polling Survey 1

The poll's data collection was conducted online, from the 16 to the 20th of November 2023. This utilized the LucidTalk Northern Ireland (NI) online opinion panel, which consists of 15,843 members. This panel is balanced to reflect the demographics of Northern Ireland at a total level.

ICRIR Survey Summary 2023-24

This publication gives an overview of findings from a range of polling, focus groups and surveys carried out over the past year. This includes awareness of and attitudes towards the ICRIR and views on how we operate. Other consultations have taken place on areas of policy design and more broadly. The findings have provided the Commission with insight into how awareness and understanding of it is changing over time.

ICRIR Have Your Say Survey 2 Results

This is the second survey the Commission has delivered and was live in the latter part of 2023. This survey included questions on the proposed design of the Commission as it starts to focus on some of the big decisions the needed to be taken.

Geneva slide-pack July 2024

This is the slide-pack presented by our Chief Commissioner to officials at the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. This is part of a continuing dialogue to receive input from experts in the field.

ICRIR Board Meeting Summary 15 April 2024

This note is a summary of ICRIR's Board meeting on 15 April 2024.

ICRIR Board Meeting Summary 28-29 March 2024

This note is a summary of ICRIR's Board meeting on 28-29 March 2024.

ICRIR Other Harmful Conduct – Frequently Asked Questions

This document sets out frequently asked questions about requests for cases with the Commission involving 'other harmful conduct'.

ICRIR The Operational Design Framework

This framework is the product of formal consultation and engagement and an aim from the outset to develop a Commission that can deliver for victims, survivors and families of the Troubles/Conflict. It sets out what can be expected from the Commission, from initial contact through to the publication of a findings report, and signposts to specific Commission policies. It describes how we will deliver each stage of the journey through the organisation. It provides openness around the standards we have set ourselves, and to which we can be held to account by those using the Commission.

ICRIR Consultation response: Operational Design Framework

The Commission published a consultation on the Operational Design Framework in March 2024. This document includes summaries of the responses received to that consultation and sets out how we will reflect these comments in the various operational design policies held by the Commission, which will be published alongside this document.