Our Values and Standards of Professional Behaviour
You must
- Be open and honest in your engagement with the public, explaining your and the Commissions activities where possible, and explaining why it may not be possible to share all information requested where that is the case.
- Be truthful and accurate in your statements, and correct any errors as soon as possible.
- Consider other perspectives and communicate in a way that can be widely understood, avoiding ambiguity and obfuscation.
- Treat information provided to you from any source – survivors, victims, families or official sources – with sensitivity, care and ensure that it is only disclosed with proper lawful authority. Officers of the ICRIR owe a general duty of confidentiality to the Commission under civil law.
- Consider your use of social media. Social media is a public forum and the same considerations, including the provisions of this Code, apply as would to speaking in public or writing something for publication, either officially or in a personal capacity.
You must not
- Ignore different views or perspectives or act in a way that is closed minded to challenge and scrutiny.
- Act in a way that puts information that is in your or the Commission’s possession at risk.
- Disclosure any information without proper authority.