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Have Your say in our latest survey – HYS2


We’ve launched a new survey to find out how people want us to design the way the Commission’s information recovery process works. It’s free and confidential and we’ll use what you tell us to inform our plans.

Our latest survey asks for your views about a range of aspects of the Commission’s work, including the three types of review the Commission may offer victims, survivors and their families, the three phases an information recovery review could take, how the different stages should work and what the Commission’s final investigative reports should be like. It’s your chance to help shape the design of this work.

The survey is open until Sunday 26 November and we want to hear from everyone, whatever their views.

We carried out our first public survey in July and August 2023. Find out about what it told us and how we’re drawing on its results.

HYS1 – our first public survey