The Commission has published a summary of its approach to designating officers with the powers of a Police constable.
This is the first work plan for the Independent Commission for Reconciliation and Information Recovery. The plan outlines the activity we will undertake in the financial year 2024-25. There is a broad range of work to finish building the foundations that will ensure that the Commission is operating effectively as an independent organisation rooted in our
values of integrity, impartiality, openness, accountability, and respect. The plan also begins to outline how we anticipate the work of the Commission will progress in future years.
The Commission’s commitment to obtaining feedback and understanding good practice for human rights means that it has now provided a briefing on its latest proposals to the Assistant Secretary General for Human Rights at the United Nations Office for the Commissioner for Human Rights. This is the start of engagement by the Commission to obtain feedback for best practice in meeting important human rights standards. This document is the slide-pack used during the visit.
The document explains the Commission’s proposed operating model and the stages for how investigations will be carried out. It highlights the end-to-end journey for a requesting individual or family member, from their perspective.
ICRIR's gifts and hospitality register sets out any gifts and/or hospitality offered to its Commissioners.
ICRIR's register of interests sets out the interests of its Board of Commissioners.
This note is a summary of ICRIR's Board meeting on 1 March 2024.
This note is a summary of ICRIR's Board meeting on 15 February 2024.
This is a summary of the full consultation document on the Commission's operational design. and lists the questions you can respond to. This consultation is being held to make sure people have the opportunity to input into the Commission's proposed working methods and approach. The consultation will close on 10 May.
In this consultation paper, the Independent Commission for Reconciliation and Information Recovery (the Commission) seeks feedback on aspects of design of its operational policies. The feedback received will inform decision making on the approach the Commission will take.