The Remuneration and Nominations Committee is chaired by the Chief Commissioner. It provides oversight of, and assurance to the Board on, key HR policies and initiatives. It also considers the overall pay policy for the wider organisation. The committee leads work to appoint Executive Commissioners as required (Chief Executive Officer and Commissioner for Investigations).
Independent Member, Remuneration and Nomination Committee: Aidene Walsh
Aidene Walsh is Chair of the Payment Systems Regulator, a Non-Executive Director at the Financial Conduct Authority and an Executive Director with Banking Competition Remedies Ltd (BCR).
She serves as a Magistrate in South-West London. She was CEO of The Fairbanking Foundation, a charity supporting organisations to put customer financial well-being at the heart of their propositions.
In her 26-year banking career, Aidene held various leadership roles in international and domestic Commercial and Transaction Banking businesses. These included European Transaction Banking in Citigroup and ABN Amro, Global Network Banking in RBS and Merchant Acquiring and Commercial Cards in Lloyds Banking Group.